Valentine's Day Advent Calendar


When my husband and I planned our latest move we knew we'd be apart for a few months, so make the separation easier, before leaving he gave me an adorable set of cards with photos and little memories written on the backside and on the front occasions on which to look at them like "If You're Feeling Lonely" (this one had a picture of me with our cat Chabi captioned "your one true love") or "On a Sunday Morning" (this one said "Try and fail to replicate my amazing poached eggs"), one card for each day we're apart...

Aside from being literally the sweetest thing in the world, the concept reminded me of an advent calendar. As a kid I always looooved advent calendars when Christmas was around the corner, which is why I'm so excited about the trend in adult advent calendars with things like beauty products or craft beer. It only recently occurred to me that there's no reason advent calendars should only be for Christmas, the idea can be applied to just about any occasion or Holiday... like Valentine's Day for example!

Download my free printable artwork below to make your own Valentine's day advent calendar and read on for full instructions



Material Needed

  • Card stock (I used 200g A4 paper)

  • X-acto knife

  • Glue

  • Pencil & Pen

  • Printer

  • Printable Advent Calendar



Download & print the 2 pages of artwork on card stock

Cut to size (21 x 21cm)



On the page with the illustration, cut along the the center, top & bottom of windows with the x-acto knife.

Cut only along the red dotted lines shown here, not along the outer edges of the windows.

Tip: If your grip is unsteady, you can use a ruler to guide your knife along the straight lines, but you'll need to freehand the rounded tops of the outer windows.



On the other page, fill in the small pink squares with your notes, making sure not to to write outside the bounds.

Since the squares are quite small it's helpful to pencil the messages in first to make sure everything fits. If they still seem too small, you can use 2 adjacent squares to write one message or double the size of the artwork and print it out on A3 paper.

Tip: If you're in lack of inspiration for the notes, you can also glue small photos



Apply glue along the edges of the page with the notes and roughly around the pink squares.

Tip: It's best to avoid applying glue too close to the edge of the pink squares to avoid smearing and gluing the windows shut

Then carefully superimpose the illustration page so that all 4 sides of both sheets line up. Before the glue sets peak through a couple of the windows to make sure only the pink area is visible underneath and slide to adjust the alignment if necessary.

Is there any other occasion you'd like to see an advent calendar for? Let me know in the comments section!

Pppsssttt- if you like this DIY, check out our latest printables like the one below!